It is blue, and green, and yellow

It shows river, cities, mountains, lakes

and seas -

All is there for him who sees.


                                                  (a map)

Она вся в пятнах - маленьких, больших

Зелёных, жёлтых, голубых.

На ней есть горы и озёра,

Дороги, реки, океаны

Посёлки, города и страны...


What is it  - Что это?

An eye [ай] глаз that cannot see[си:] видеть.

Глаз, который не видит.

                                                /needle [ни:дл]/

Head and eEye

There is one that has a head without an eye,

And there is one that has an eye without a head;

You may find the answer if you try;

And when all is said,

Half the answer hangs upon a thread.

                                                        (pin and needle) 

                                             (французская булавка и иголка)

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